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FFC NMR relaxometry has found applications in some key industries, such as oil and polymers, as well as in basic research. Herein are some examples of the most popular materials FFC applications.

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Literature Reference

Porous material

"Insights into functionality-specific adsorption dynamics and stable reaction intermediates using fast field cycling NMR"

J. Ward-Williams, J.-P. Korb, L.F. Gladden, J. Phys. Chem. 2018122, 20271-20278

"NMR relaxation in porous materials at zero and ultralow magnetic fields"

M.C.D. Tayler, J. Ward-Williams, L.F. Gladden, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 2018297, 1-8

"NMR relaxometry for adsorption studies: Proof of concept with copper adsorption on activated alumina"

Y. Gossuin and Q.L. Vuong, Separation and Purification Technology 2018202, 138-143

"Water behaviour in mesoporous materials as studied by NMR relaxometry"

E. Steiner, S. Bouguet-Bonnet, J.-L. Blin, D. Canet, J. Phys. Chem. A 2011115, 9941-9946

"Applications of Field-cycling NMR relaxometry to cement materials"

I. Ardelean in Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications, Editor: Rainer Kimmich; Vol. 18, 2018, pp462-489; Royal Society of Chemistry; ISBN: 978-1-78801-154-9

"The effect of curing temperature on early hydration of gray cement via fast field cycling-NMR relaxometry"

C. Badea, A. Pop, C. Mattea, S. Stapf, I. Ardelean, Appl. Magn. Reson. 201445, 1299-1309

"Frequency-dependent NMR relaxation of liquids confined inside porous media containing an increased amount of magnetic impurities"

S. Muncaci, C. Mattea, S. Stapf, I. Ardelean, Magn. Reson. Chem. 201351, 123-128

"NMR and nuclear spin relaxation of cement and concrete materials"

J.-P. Korb, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 200914, 192–202.

"Microstructure and texture of hydrated cement-based materials: A proton field cycling relaxometry approach"

J.-P. Korb, L. Monteilhet, P.J. McDonald, J. Mitchell, Cement and Concrete Research 200737, 295–302

"Surface relaxation and chemical exchange in hydrating cement pastes: A two-dimensional NMR relaxation study"

P. J. McDonald, J.-P. Korb, J. Mitchell and L. Monteilhet, Phys. Rev. E 200572, 011409.

"Probing directly the surface area of a cement-based material by nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion"

F. Barberon, J.-P. Korb, D. Petit, V. Morin, E. Bermejo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 200390, 116103

"Structure-texture correlation in ultra high performance concrete: a nuclear magnetic resonance"

C. Porteneuve, J.-P. Korb, D. Petit, H. Zanni, Cement and Concrete Research 200232, 97-101

"Elucidating the 1H NMR relaxation mechanism in polydisperse polymers and bitumen using measurements, MD simulations, and models"

P.M. Singer, A.V. Parambathu, X. Wang, D. Asthagiri, W.G. Chapman, G. Hirasaki, M. Fleury, J. Phys. Chem. B 2020124, 4222-4233

"Applying Fast-Field Cycling Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation to Petroleum Tight Sandstone Rocks"

B. Zhou, P. Yang, G. Ferrante, M. Pasin, R. Steele, V. Bortolotti, J.-P. Korb, Energy Fuels 201933, 1016-1022

"Multiscale nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion of complex liquids in bulk and confinement"

J.-P. Korb, Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 2018104, 12-55

"Probing the dynamics of petroleum fluids in bulk and confinement by fast field-cycling relaxometry"

J.-P. Korb in Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications, Editor: Rainer Kimmich; Vol. 18, 2018, pp448-461; Royal Society of Chemistry; ISBN: 978-1-78801-154-9

"Estimating Saturations in Organic Shales Using 2D NMR"

B. Nicot, N. Vorapalawut, B. Rousseau, L. F. Madariaga, G. Hamon and J.-P. Korb
Petrophysics 201657, 19–29

"Dynamics and Wettability of Oil and Water in Oil Shales"

J.P. Korb, B. Nicot, A. Louis-Joseph, S. Bubici and G. Ferrante, J. Phys.Chem. C 2014118, 23212–23218

"Probing Maltene−Asphaltene Interaction in Crude Oil by Means of NMR Relaxation"

S. Stapf, A. Ordikhani-Seyedlar, N. Ryan, C. Mattea, R. Kausik, D.E. Freed, Y.-Q. Song and M.D. Hürlimann, Energy Fuels 201428, 2395−2401

"Probing Structure and Dynamics of Bulk and Confined Crude Oils by Multiscale NMR Spectroscopy, Diffusometry, and Relaxometry"

J.-P. Korb, A. Louis-Joseph, L. Benamsili, J. Phys. Chem. B 2013117, 7002−7014

"Frequency-dependent NMR relaxation of liquids confined inside porous media containing an increased amount of magnetic impurities"

S. Muncaci, C. Mattea, S. Stapf and I. Ardelean, Magn. Reson. Chem. 201351, 123–128

"Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Dispersion of Distributions as a Probe of Aggregation in Crude Oils"

L. Zielinski and M.D. Hurlimann, Energy Fuels 201125, 5090–5099

"Microscopic Wettability of Carbonate Rocks: a Proton Field Cycling NMR Approach"

G. Freiman, J.-P. Korb, B. Nicot, P. Ligneul, Diffusion Fundamentals 200910, 25.1 - 25.3

"NMR relaxometry analysis of lubricant oils degradation"

M. Ballari, F. Bonetto and E. Anoardo, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 200538, 3746–3750

"Surface nuclear magnetic relaxation and dynamics of water and oil in macroporous media"

S. Godefroy, J.-P. Korb, M. Fleury and R. G. Bryant, Phys. Rev. E 200164, 021605-021613

"Nuclear magnetic resonance with fast field-cycling setup: a valid tool for soil quality investigation"

P. Conte and P. Lo Meo, Agronomy 202010, 1040

"Water dynamics at the solid-liquid interface to unveil the textural features of synthetic nanosponges"

P. Lo Meo, F. Mundo, S. Terranove, P. Conte, D. Chillura Martino, J. Phys. Chem. B 2020124, 1847-1857

"Standardizing the use of fast-field cycling NMR relaxometry for measuring hydrological connectivity inside the soil"

P. Conte and V. Ferro, Magn. Reson. Chem. 201958, 41-50

"Environmental Applications of Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry"

P. Conte in Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications, Editor: Rainer Kimmich; Vol. 18, 2018, pp229-254; Royal Society of Chemistry; ISBN: 978-1-78801-154-9

"Structural and mechanical modification induced by water content in giant wild reed (A. donax L.)"

P. Conte, V. Fiore, A. Valenza, ACS Omega 20183, 18510-18517

"Application of fast field-cycling NMR relaxometry to soil material"

S. Haber-Pohlmeier in Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications, Editor: Rainer Kimmich; Vol. 18, 2018, pp490-511; Royal Society of Chemistry; ISBN: 978-1-78801-154-9

"Measuring hydrological connectivity inside a soil by low field nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry"

P. Conte and V. Ferro, Hydrological Processes 201832, 93-101

"Organic coating on biochar explains its nutrient retention and stimulation of soil fertility"

N. Hagemann, S. Joseph, H.-P. Schmidt, C.I. Kammann, J. Harter, T. Borch,
R.B. Young, K. Varga, S. Taherymoosavi, K. Wade Elliott, A. McKenna, M. Albu, C.
Mayrhofer, M. Obst, P. Conte, A. Dieguez-Alonso, S. Orsetti, E. Subdiaga, S.
Behrens, A. Kappler, Nature Communications 20178, 1089

"Assessing hydrological connectivity inside a soil by fast-field-cycling nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry and its link to sediment delivery processes"

P. Conte, C. Di Stefano, V. Ferro, V. A. Laudicina, E. Palazzolo, Environ. Earth Sci. 201776, 526

"Soil-water interactions unveiled by fast field cycling NMR relaxometry"

P. Conte and H.-P. Schmidt, eMagRes 20176, 453-464

"Evaluation of the surface affinity of water in three biochars using fast field cycling NMR relaxometry"

S. Bubici, J.-P. Korb, J. Kučerik and P. Conte, Magn. Reson. Chem. 201654, 365-370

"Molecular Dynamics of Water in Wood Studied by Fast Field Cycling Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry"

X. Li, X. Wang, M. Zhang, BioResources 201611, 1882-1891

"Structure alteration of a sandy-clay soil by biochar amendments"

G. Baiamonte, C. De Pasquale, V. Marsala, G. Cimò, G. Alonzo, G. Crescimanno, P. Conte, J. Soil Sediments 201515, 816-824

"Mechanisms of Water Interaction with Pore Systems of Hydrochar and Pyrochar from Poplar Forestry Waste"

P. Conte, U.M. Hanke, V. Marsala, G. Cimò, G. Alonzo and B. Glaser, J. Agric. Food Chem. 201462, 4917−4923

"Hydration and water holding properties of cross-linked lignite humic acids"

Z. Cihlář , L. Vojtová, P. Conte, S. Nasir, J. Kučerík, Geoderma 2014230-231,151–160

"Environmental NMR: Fast-field-cycling Relaxometry"

P. Conte and G. Alonzo, eMagRes 20132, 389–398

"Nature of water-biochar interface interactions"

P. Conte, V. Marsala, C. De Pasquale, S. Bubici, M. Valagussa, A. Pozzi and G. Alonzo, GCB Bioenergy 2013,5, 116–121

"Reconstruction of the environmental evolution of a Sicilian saltmarsh (Italy)"

A. Maccotta, C. De Pasquale, A. Caruso, C. Cosentino, G. Alonzo, P. Conte, Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 201320, 4847–4858

"Applicability of solid state fast field cycling NMR relaxometry in understanding relaxation properties of leaves and leaf-litters"

A.E. Berns, S. Bubici, C. De Pasquale, G. Alonzo and P. Conte, Organic Geochemistry 201142, 978–984


"Elucidating the 1H NMR relaxation mechanism in polydisperse polymers and bitumen using measurements, MD simulations, and models"

P.M. Singer, A.V. Parambathu, X. Wang, D. Asthagiri, W.G. Chapman, G. Hirasaki, M. Fleury, J. Phys. Chem. B 2020124, 4222-4233

"Field-cycling NMR relaxometry: the benefit of constructing master curves"

M. Flämig, M. Hofmann, E.A. Rössler, Molecular Physics 2019117, 877-887

"Molecular dynamics in the lyophases of colpolymer P123 investigated with FFC NMR relaxometry"

B.V.N. Phani Kumar, S. Stapf, C. Mattea, Langmuir 201935, 435-445

"Application of field-cycling 1H NMR relaxometry to the study of translational and rotational dynamics in liquids and polymers"

E.A. Rössler, M. Hofmann and N. Fatkullin in Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry:
Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications, Editor: Rainer Kimmich; Vol.
18, 2018, pp462-489; Royal Society of Chemistry; ISBN: 978-1-78801-154-9

"Field-cycling relaxometry of polymers"

S. Stapf and A. Lozovoi in Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications, Editor: Rainer Kimmich; Vol. 18, 2018, pp322-357; Royal Society of Chemistry; ISBN: 978-1-78801-154-9

"Rouse dynamics in PEO-PPO-PEO block-copolymers in aqueous solution as observed through fast field-cycling NMR relaxometry"

C.C. Fraenza, C. Mattea, G.D. Farrher, A. Ordikhani-Seyedlar, S. Stapf, E. Anoardo, Polymer 2018150, 244-253

"Scaling analysis of the viscoelastic response of linear polymers"

F. Mohamed, M. Flämig, M. Hofmann, L. Heymann, L. Willner, N. Fatkullin, N. Aksel, E.A. Rössler, J. Chem. Phys. 2018149, 044902

"Dynamics of a Paradigmatic Linear Polymer: A Proton Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry Study on Poly(ethylene−propylene)"

M. Hofmann, B. Kresse, L. Heymann, A. F. Privalov, L. Willner, N. Fatkullin, N. Aksel, F. Fujara, E. A. Rössler, Macromolecules 201649, 8622−8632

"Field-Cycling Relaxometry as a Molecular Rheology Technique: Common Analysis of NMR, Shear Modulus and Dielectric Loss Data of Polymers vs Dendrimers"

M. Hofmann, C. Gainaru, B. Cetinkaya, R. Valiullin, N. Fatkullin, and E. A. Rössler, Macromolecules 201548, 7521−7534

"Dynamics of PPI Dendrimers: A Study by Dielectric and 2H NMR Spectroscopy and by Field-Cycling 1H NMR Relaxometry"

F. Mohamed, M. Hofmann, B. Pötzschner, N. Fatkullin and E. A. Rössler, Macromolecules 201548, 3294−3302

"Temperature Dependence of the Segmental Relaxation Time of Polymers Revisited"

B. Schmidtke, M. Hofmann, A. Lichtinger, E. A. Rössler, Macromolecules 201548, 3005−3013

"Recent NMR investigations on molecular dynamics of polymer melts in bulk and in confinement"

E. A. Rössler, S. Stapf, N. Fatkullin, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 2013, 18, 173–182

"Field-cycling NMR relaxometry of viscous liquids and polymers"

D. Kruk, A. Herrmann, E. A. Rössler, Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 201263, 33–64

"Spin–lattice relaxation dispersion in polymers: Dipolar-interaction components and short-and long-time limits"

A. Gubaidullin, T. Shakirov, N. Fatkullin, R. Kimmich, Solid State Nucl. Magn. Reson. 200935, 147-51

"Molecular diffusion on a time scale between nano- and milliseconds probed by field-cycling NMR relaxometry of intermolecular dipolar interactions: Application to polymer melts"

M. Kehr, N. Fatkullin, R. Kimmich, J. Chem. Phys. 2007126, 094903

"Restricted Molecular Dynamics of Polymer Chains by Means of NMR Field Cycling Relaxometry"

S. Kariyo, S. Stapf, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2005206, 1300–1310

"Polymer Chain Dynamics and NMR"

R. Kimmich, N. Fatkullin, Advances in Polymer Science 2004170, 1 – 113

"Influence of Cross-Link Density and Deformation on the NMR Relaxation Dispersion of Natural Rubber"

S. Kariyo, S. Stapf, Macromolecules 200235, 9253-9255


"Understanding the Nature of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation by Means of Fast-Field-Cycling Relaxometry and Molecular Dynamics Simulations—The Validity of Relaxation Models"

P. Honegger, V. Overbeck, A. Strate, A. Appelhagen, M. Sappl, E. Heid, C. Schröder, R. Ludwig, O.
Steinhauser, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 202011, 2165-2170

"Dynamics of ionic liquids in confinement by means of NMR relaxometry – EMIM-FSI in a silica matrix as an example"

D. Kruk, M. Wojciechowski, M. Florek-Wojciechowska, R. Kumar Singh, Materials 2020, 13

"Nuclear magnetic relaxation and diffusion study of the ionic liquids 1‐ethyl‐and 1‐butyl‐3‐methylimidazolium bis (trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide confined in porous glass"

A. Ordikhani Seyedlar, S. Stapf, C. Mattea, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 201957, 818-828

"The gelation influence on diffusion and conductivity enhancement effect in renewable ionic gels based on LMWG"

M. Bielejewski, A. Rachocki, J. Kaszyska, J. Tritt-Goc, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 201820, 5803-5817

"NMR Studies of Protic Ionic Liquids "

V. Overbeck, R. Ludwig in Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy2018, Ed. G.A. Webb, pp 147-184

"Investigation of Dynamics in BMIM TFSA Ionic Liquid through Variable Temperature and Pressure NMR Relaxometry and Diffusometry"

K. Pilar, A. Rua, S.N. Suarez, C. Mallia, S. Lai, J. R. P. Jayakody, J.L. Hatcher, J. F. Wishart, S.
Greenbaum, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2017164, H5189-H5196

"Dynamical properties of EMIM-SCN confined in a SiO2 matrix by means of 1H NMR relaxometry"

D. Kruk, M. Wojciechowski, Y.L. Verma, S.K. Chaurasia, R.K. Singh, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 201719,

"Relation of short-range and long-range lithium ion dynamics in glass-ceramics: Insights from 7Li NMR field-cycling and field-gradient studies"

M. Haaks, S.W. Martin, M. Vogel, Phys. Rev. B 201796, 104301-1 – 104301-9

"Translational dynamics of ionic liquid imidazolium cations at solid/liquid interface in gel polymer electrolyte"

A. Rachocki , E. Andrzejewska, A. Dembna, J. Tritt-Goc, European Polymer Journal 201571, 210–220

"Lithium ion dynamics in Li2S+GeS2+GeO2 glasses studied using 7Li NMR field-cycling relaxometry and line-shape analysis"

J. Gabriel, O.V. Petrov, Y. Kim, S.W. Martin, M. Vogel, Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 201570, 53–62

"Determining diffusion coefficients of ionic liquids by means of field cycling nuclear magnetic resonance relaxometry"

D. Kruk, R. Meier, A. Rachocki, A. Korpała, R. K. Singh, and E. A. Rössler, J. Chem. Phys. 2014140, 244509

"NMR Relaxometry Study of the Interaction of Water with a Nafion Membrane under Acid, Sodium, and Potassium Forms. Evidence of Two Types of Bound Water"

F. Xu, S. Leclerc, D. Canet, J. Phys. Chem. B 2013117, 6534−6540

"1H and 19F FFC-NMR of Catalyst Layer Materials for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells"

M. Yamaguchi, A. Ohira, 2013, 18, 16, 1-4

"Combining 7Li NMR field-cycling relaxometry and stimulated-echo experiments: A powerful approach to lithium ion dynamics in solid-state electrolytes"

M. Graf, B. Kresse, A.F. Privalov, M. Vogel , Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 201351-52, 25–30

"Conductivity and Fluoride Ion Dynamics in r-PbSnF4; 19F Field-Cycling NMR and Diffraction Studies"

E. Murray, D.F. Brougham, J. Stankovic, I. Abrahams, J. Phys. Chem. C 2008112, 5672-5678

Liquid crystals

"NMR relaxometry in liquid crystals: molecular organization and molecular dynamics interrelation"

P. Sebastiao in Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications, Editor: Rainer Kimmich; Vol. 18, 2018, pp255-302; Royal Society of Chemistry; ISBN: 978-1-78801-154-9

"Slow dynamics in a liquid crystal: 1H and 19F NMR relaxometry"

M. Rajeswari, Trivikram R. Molugu, Surajit Dhara, V. S. S. Sastry, K. Venu and R. Dabrowski
J. Chem. Phys. 2011135, 244507

"Application of field-cycling NMR relaxometry to the study of ultrasound-induced effects in the molecular dynamics and order of mesomorphic materials"

E. Anoardo, C. R. Physique 201011, 160–171

"Spin-lattice dispersion in nematic and smectic-Amesophases in the presence of ultrasonic waves: A theoretical approach"

F. Bonetto and E. Anoardo, Phys. Rev E 200368, 021703

"A Proton Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Study of C12E6/D2O"

E.E. Burnell, D. Capitani, C. Casieri and A. L. Segre, J. Phys. Chem2000, B104, 8782

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