From this page you can download all of our application notes and brochure’s company. Application notes New FFC application for Tumor Tissue characterization Stelar FFC NMR relaxometry fields range for MRI complexes Fast Field Cycling NMR application: MRI contrast agents Fast Field Cycling NMR application: MRI contrast agents Fast Field Cycling NMR Relaxometry on Hetero-nuclei Fast Field Cycling NMR Relaxometry on Hetero-nuclei Introduction to Fitteia data-fitting software and case study: fitting NMRD data for MnCl2 FFC APPLICATION NOTE Fast field cycling to monitor the crystallization in alimentary fat FFC APPLICATION NOTE Fast field cycling for analysis of foodstuffs FFC APPLICATION NOTE Fast field cycling as a method to calculate the diffusion coefficient FFC APPLICATION NOTE Fast field cycling applied to polymers: tacticity and molecular weight FFC APPLICATION NOTE Fast field cycling as a quantitative analytical method for the oil industry FFC APPLICATION NOTE Fast field cycling applied to proteins FFC APPLICATION NOTE NMRD as a biomarker for tumours: a preclinical study FFC APPLICATION NOTE Paramagnetic nanoparticles as MRI contrast agents LICATION NOTE OUR LATEST FFC Applications booklet A comprehensive booklet with a summary of the FFC technique and a collection of FFC applications Poster Fast Field Cycling NMR applied to POLYMERS FFC Theoretical issues and Fundamental Research T1 -T2 2D maps Battery electrolytes Multi-nuclear Fast Field Cycling relaxometry reveals important molecular dynamics information Products STORM6 Key features Storm 6 NMR platform_brochure SMARtracer 0.25T FFC relaxometer STELAR PRODUCTS Products Booklet Stelar Products