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FFC NMR relaxometry can offer a range of solutions in healthcare, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and preclinical and clinical research applications, in particular in biomedical detection with clinical MR imaging contrast agents.

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Preclinical research "IN VIVO" CANCER DIAGNOSES

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Literature Reference

FFC in biological tissues in vivo and ex vivo

"Intracellular Water Lifetime as a Tumor Biomarker to Monitor Doxorubicin Treatment via FFC-Relaxometry in a Breast Cancer Model"

Maria Rosaria Ruggiero, Simona Baroni, Valeria Bitonto, Roberto Ruiu, Smeralda Rapisarda, Silvio Aime and Simonetta Geninatti Crich -
Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences, University of Turin, Turin, Italy, IRCCS SDN, Naples, Italy - Frontiers in Oncology, 2021

"Towards applying NMR relaxometry as a diagnostic tool for bone and soft tissue sarcomas: a pilot study"

E. Masiewicz, G.P. Ashcroft, D. Boddie, S.R. Dundas, D. Kruk, L.M. Broche, Scientific Reports 2020, 10, 14207

"In vivo assessment of tumour associated macrophages in murine melanoma obtained by low-field relaxometry in the presence of iron oxide particles"

S. Baroni, M.R. Ruggiero, V. Bitonto, L.M. Broche, D.J. Lurie, S. Aime, S. Geninatti Crich, Biomaterials 2020, 236, 119805

"Exploring the tumour extracellular matrix by in vivo Fast Field Cycling relaxometry after the administration of a Gadolinium‐based MRI contrast agent"

S. Baroni, M.R. Ruggiero, S. Aime, S. Geninatti Crich, Magn. Reson. Chem. 2019, 57, 845-851

"Multicomponent analysis of T1 relaxation in bovine articular cartilage at low magnetic fields"

O.V. Petrov, S. Stapf, Magn. Reson. Med. 201981, 2858-2868

"Use of FCC-NMRD relaxometry for early detection and characterization of ex-vivo murine breast cancer"

E. Di Gregorio, G. Ferrauto, S. Lanzardo, E. Gianolio, S. Aime, Sci Rep 20199, 4624

"Evidence for the Role of Intracellular Water Lifetime as a Tumour Biomarker Obtained by In Vivo Field‐Cycling Relaxometry"

M.R. Ruggiero, S. Baroni, S. Pezzana, G. Ferrante, S. Geninatti Crich, S. Aime, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201857, 7468-7472

"Nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion of murine tissue for development of T1 (R1) dispersion contrast imaging"

Y.T. Araya, F. Martínez‐Santiesteban, W.B. Handler, C.T. Harris, B.A. Chronik, T.J. Scholl, NMR in Biomedicine 201730(12), e3789

"The effect of cholesterol on membrane dynamics on different timescales in lipd bilayers from fast field/cycling NMR relaxometry studies of unilamellar vesicles"

C.C. Fraenza, C.J. Meledandri, E. Anoardo, D.F. Brougham, Chem. Phys. Chem. 2014, 15, 425-435

"Effects of cholesterol on membrane molecular dynamics studied by fast field cycling NMR relaxometry"

C.-J. Hsieh, Y.-W. Chen, D.W. Hwang, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2013, 15, 16634-16640

"Paramagnetic ions affect relaxation rate dispersion of blood: implications for magnetic resonance relaxation dispersion imaging"

B.R.R. Persson, L. Malmgren, L.G. Salford, J. Bioengineer & Biomedical Sci. 2012, 2, 1000105

Field cycling MRI

"A fast field-cycling MRI relaxometer for physical contrasts design and pre-clinical studies on small animals"

J.A. Romero, G.G. Rodriguez, E. Anoardo, Journal of Magnetic Resonance 2020311, 106682

"Design of a fast field-cycling magnetic resonance imaging system, characterization and methods for relaxation dispersion measurements around 1.5T"

N. Chanet, G. Guillot, G. Willoquet, L. Jourdain, R-M. Dubuisson, G. Reganha, L. de Rochefort, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 202091, 024102

"Comparison of fast field-cycling magnetic resonance imaging methods and future perspectives"

M. Bodenler, L. de Rochefort, P.J. Ross, N. Chanet, G. Guillot, G.R. Davies, C. Gosweiner, H. Scharfetter, D.J. Lurie, L.M. Broche, Molecular Physics 2019117:7-8, 832-848

"A whole-body Fast Field-Cycling scanner for clinical molecular imaging studies"

L.M. Broche, P.J. Ross, G.R. Davies, M-J. MacLeod, D.J. Lurie, Sci Rep 20199, 10402

"High Field Detection of Biomarkers with Fast Field‐Cycling MRI: The Example of Zinc Sensing"

M. Bödenler, K.P. Malikidogo, J.‐F. Morfin, C.S. Aigner, E. Tóth, C.S. Bonnet, H. Scharfetter, Chemistry 2019, 25, 8236–8239

"Techniques and applications of field-cycling magnetic resonance in medicine"

D.J. Lurie, P.J. Ross and L.M. Broche in Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications, Editor: Rainer Kimmich; Vol. 18, 2018, pp358-384; Royal Society of Chemistry; ISBN: 978-1-78801-154-9

"R1 dispersion contrast at high field with fast field-cycling MRI"

M. Bödenler, M. Basini, M.F. Casula, E. Umut, C. Gösweiner, A. Petrovic, D. Kruk, H. Scharfetter, J. Mag. Reson. 2018, 290, 68-75

"Rapid Field-Cycling MRI Using Fast Spin-Echo"

P.J. Ross, L.M. Broche, D.J. Lurie, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 20157, 31120–1124

MRI contrast agents / magnetic nanoparticles

"Fast field-cycling magnetic resonance detection of intracellular ultra-small iron oxide particles in vitro: Proof-of-concept"

H. Abbas, L.M. Broche, A. Ezdoglian, D. Li, R. Yuecel, P.J. Ross, L. Cheyne, H.M. Wilson, D.J. Lurie, D.K. Dawson, J. Mag. Reson. 2020, 313, 106722

"A Photocleavable Contrast Agent for Light-Responsive MRI"

F. Reeßing, S.E.M. Huijsse, R.A. J.O. Dierckx, B.L. Feringa, R.J.H. Borra, W. Szymański, Pharmaceuticals 2020, 13(10), 296

"Characterization of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxivity of Gadolinium Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles"

A. Nan, M. Suciu, I. Ardelean, M. Şenilă, R. Turcu, Analytical Letters 2020

"Characterisation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents using NMR relaxometry"

S. Aime, M. Botta, D. Esteban-Gomez, C. Platas-Iglesias, Molecular Physics 2019117, 898-909

"Tailoring the magnetic core of organic-coated iron oxides nanoparticles to influence their contrast efficiency for Magnetic Resonance Imaging"

M. Basini, A. Guerrini, M. Cobianchi, F. Orsini, D. Bettega, M. Avolio, C. Innocenti, C. Sangregorio, A. Lascialfari, P. Arosio, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019770, 58-66

"Relaxivity of Gd‐Based MRI Contrast Agents in Crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid as a Model for Tissues"

M. Fragai, E. Ravera, F. Tedoldi, C. Luchinat, G. Parigi, Chem. Phys. Chem. 2019, 20, 2204-2209

"Trapping of Gd(III) Ions by Keplerate Polyanionic Nanocapsules in Water: A 1H Fast Field Cycling NMR Relaxometry Study"

S. Pizzanelli, R. Zairov, M. Sokolov, M.C. Mascherpa, B. Akhmadeev, A. Mustafina, L. Calucci, J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123, 29, 18095–18102

"A light-responsive liposomal agent for MRI contrast enhancement and monitoring of cargo delivery"

F. Reeßing, M.C.A. Stuart, D.F. Samplonius, R.A.J.O. Dierckx, B.L. Feringa, W. Helfrichc, W. Szymanski, Chem. Commun. 201955, 10784-10787

"Paramagnetic complexes and superparamagnetic systems"

C. Henoumont, L. Vander Elst, S. Laurent in Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications, Editor: Rainer Kimmich; Vol. 18, 2018, pp427-447; Royal Society of Chemistry; ISBN: 978-1-78801-154-9

"Macromolecular Crowding May Significantly Affect the Performance of an MRI Contrast Agent: A 1H NMR Spectroscopy, Microimaging, and Fast‐Field‐Cycling NMR Relaxometry Study"

R.‐H. Cheng, J.‐M. Chen, Y.‐W. Chen, H. Cai, X. Cui, D.W. Hwang, Z. Chen, S. Ding, Chemistry Open 2018, 7, 288-296

"Magnetotactic bacteria and biogenic magnetite nanocrystals as potential contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging"

I. Ardelean, S. Miclaus, C. Moisescu, 2018 EMF-Med 1st World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF-Med), Split, 2018, pp. 1-2

"Gd-AAZTA-MADEC, an improved blood pool agent for DCE-MRI studies on mice on 1 T scanners"

D.L. Longo, F. Arena, L. Consolino, P. Minazzi, S. Geninatti-Crich, G.B. Giovenzana, S. Aime
Biomaterials 2016, 75, 47-57

"A relaxometric method for the assessment of intestinal permeability based on the oral administration of gadolinium-based MRI contrast agents"

E. Gianolio, C. Boffa, V. Orecchia, P. Bardini, V. Catanzaro, V. Poli, S. Aime
NMR in Biomedicine 2016, 29, 475

"Polycatechol Nanoparticle MRI Contrast Agents"

Y.Li, Y. Huang, Z. Wang, F. Carniato, Y. Xie, J.P. Patterson, M.P. Thompson, C.M. Andolina, T.B. Ditri, J.E. Millstone, J.S. Figueroa, J.D. Rinehart, M. Scadeng, M. Botta, N.C. Gianneschi, Small 2016, 12, 668

"Size selectable nanoparticle assemblies with magnetic anisotropy tunable across the superparamagnetic to ferromagnetic range"

J.K. Stolarczyk, C. J. Meledandri, S.P. Clarke, D.F. Brougham, Chem. Commun. 2016, 52, 13337

"Nanoparticle Clusters: Assembly and Control Over Internal Order, Current Capabilities, and Future Potential"

J.K. Stolarczyk , A. Deak ,D.F. Brougham, Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 5400

"NMR relaxation induced by iron oxide particles: testing theoretical models"

Y. Gossuin, T. Orlando, M. Basini, D. Henrard, A. Lascialfari, C. Mattea, S. Stapf, Q.L. Vuong, Nanotechnology 2016, 27, 155706

"Glyco-copolypeptide grafted magnetic nanoparticles: the interplay between particle dispersion and RNA loading"

T. Borase, E.K. Fox, F. El Haddassi, S.-A. Cryan, D. F. Brougham, A. Heise, Polymr Chem. 2016, 7, 3221

"USPIO-loaded red blood cells as a biomimetic MR contrast agent: a relaxometric study"

A. Boni, D. Ceratti, A. Antonelli, C. Sfara, M. Magnani, E. Manuali, S. Salamida, A. Gozzi, A. Bifone, Contrast Media Mol. Imaging 2014, 9 229–236

"Gadolinium-loaded polychelating amphiphilic polymer as an enhanced MRI contrast agent for human multiple myeloma and non Hodgkin's lymphoma (human Burkitt's lymphoma)"

D. Kozlowska, S. Biswas, E.K. Fox, B. Wu, F. Bolster, O.P. Edupuganti, V. Torchilin, S. Eustace, M. Botta, R. O'Kennedy, D.F. Brougham, RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 18007-18016

"Relaxometric properties of gadolinium-grafted mesoporous SBA-15 silica materials with varying pore size"

H. Skår, Y. Liang, E. S. Erichsen, R. Anwander, J.G. Seland, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2013, 175, 125–133

"Low field magnetic resonance techniques in the development of nanomaterials for biomedical applications"

C. J. Meledandri and D.F. Brougham, Anal. Methods 2012, 4, 331-341

"Gd 3 + -Ion-Doped Upconversion Nanoprobes: Relaxivity Mechanism Probing and Sensitivity Optimization"

F. Chen, W. Bu, S. Zhang, J. Liu, W. Fan, L. Zhou, W. Peng and J. Shi, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2012, 23, 298-307

"Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Synthesis, Stabilization, Vectorization, Physicochemical Characterizations, and Biological Applications"

S. Laurent, D. Forge, M. Port, A. Roch, C. Robic, L. Vander Elst and R. N. Muller, Chem. Rev. 2008, 108, 2064–2110


"Nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion of water-protein systems"

R.G. Bryant in Field-cycling NMR Relaxometry: Instrumentation, Model Theories and Applications, Editor: Rainer Kimmich; Vol. 18, 2018, pp207-228; Royal Society of Chemistry; ISBN: 978-1-78801-154-9

"The ‘‘long tail’’ of the protein tumbling correlation function: observation by 1H NMR relaxometry in a wide frequency and concentration range"

M. Roos, M. Hofmann, S. Link, M. Ott, J. Balbach, E. Rossler, K. Saalwachter, A. Krushelnitsky, J. Biomol. NMR 201563, 403–415

"Experimental Determination of Microsecond Reorientation Correlation Times in Protein Solutions"

E. Ravera, G. Parigi, A. Mainz, T. L. Religa, B. Reif, and C. Luchinat, J. Phys. Chem. B 2013, 117, 3548−3553

"Water and Protein Dynamics in Sedimented Systems: A Relaxometric Investigation"

C. Luchinat, G. Parigi, and E. Ravera, ChemPhysChem 201314, 1–7

"Measurement of Fibrin Concentration by Fast Field-Cycling NMR"

L.M. Broche, S.R. Ismail, N. A. Booth and D.J. Lurie, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 201267,1453–1457

"Water-Proton-Spin-Lattice-Relaxation Dispersion of Paramagnetic Protein Solutions"

G. Diakova, Y. Goddard, J.-P. Korb and R.G. Bryant, J. Magn. Reson. 2011208, 195–203

"Water and Backbone Dynamics in a Hydrated Protein"

G. Diakova, Y.A. Goddard, J.-P. Korb and R. G. Bryant, Biophysical J. 201098, 138–146

"Dimensionality of diffusive exploration at the protein interface in solution"

D.S. Grebenkov , Y.A. Goddard, G. Diakova, J.P. Korb and R. G. Bryant, J. Phys. Chem. B 2009,113 ,13347-56

"Thermodynamic analysis of hydration in human serum heme–albumin"

S. Baroni, G. Pariani, G. Fanali, D. Longo, P. Ascenzi, S. Aime, M. Fasano, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2009385, 385–389

"Water accessibility, aggregation, and motional features of polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccines"

F. Berti, P. Costantino, M. Fragai, C. Luchinat, Biophys. J. 2004, 86, 3-9

"Model-Free Analysis of Stretched Relaxation Dispersions"

B. Halle, H. Johannesson and K. Venu, J. Magn. Res. 1998135, 1–13

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